Publication Categories
Conference Papers
"Advances in Time-Series Modeling of Commodity Markets”, with W.C. Labys. Conference on International Commodity Market Modeling of the Applied Econometric Association, Washington, D.C., 24-26 October 1988.
"Commodity Export Demand of Latin America”. Seminar on Optimal Commercial Policies, Institute for the Integration of Latin America, 22-24 June 1981.
"The Comparative Export Performance of the Latin American Economies”. Latin American Studies Association, XVII International Congress, 24-27 September 1992. Session organizer: Emerging Patterns of Latin American Trade in Manufactures.
"The Distribution of Gains and Losses to Producers from Price Stabilization Schemes”. Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 14-17 July 1981.
"Export Pricing Policies of Developing Countries in Monopolistic Competition”. Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 4-7 August 1987.
"The Impact of Trade Liberalization in Agricultural Products”. International Economics Department Seminar Series, World Bank, Washington, D.C., 21 May 1990.
Imperfect Competition and Developing Countries' Trade”. American Economic Association Meeting, New Orleans, 3-5 January 1992.
"Imperfect Competition and Optimal Trade Policies”. North American Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society, New York, 28-30 December 1988.
"Latin America's Trade in Manufactures: An Empirical Study.” International Forum on Latin American Perspectives, OECD Development Centre, Paris, 21-22 November 1991.
"Modeling Commodity Exports of the Latin American Economies”. Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-18 July 1980.
"A Monopolistic Competitive Model of International Commodity Trade”. Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, Durham, NC, 25-28 June 1986.
"Optimal Trade Policies in Developing Countries”. Conference on International Trade of the Applied Econometrics Association, Montreal, 27-29 September 1989.
"The Outlook for Trade in Agricultural Commodities”. International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24-31 August 1988.
"Post-Recession Commodity Price Formation”. Conference on International Commodity Market Modeling of the Applied Econometric Association, Washington, D.C., 24-26 October 1988.
"Primary Commodities as an Engine for Export Growth of Latin America”. Eighth World Congress of the International Economics Association, Delhi, India, 1-5 December 1986.
Session Discussant: "Primary Commodity Prices: Economic Models and Economic Policy”. Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, 16-17 March 1989.
"Product Differentiation in International Commodity Trade”. Meetings of the American Economic Association, New York, 28-30 December 1983n Econometric Analysis of International Commodity Trade”. Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Mexico City, Mexico, 19-22 July 1982.
"Protectionism and Subsidies in International Commodity Trade”. Meetings of the American Economic Association, New York, 28-30 December 1987.